Congratulations to Correios for Driving Logistics Innovation with AIR! ReadTail by Kyubi System

/ / RFID technology

Correios Achieves Second Place at the RFID Journal LIVE! 2023 RFID Technology and Kyubi System’s Innovative AIR! ReadTail Solution from Kyubi System.

Orlando, USA. – In a remarkable achievement that highlights its leading position in the logistics industry, Correios, the leading postal services company in Brazil, has secured 2nd Place Overall in the category “Best RFID/IoT Implementation in Logistics/Supply Chain” at the prestigious RFID Journal LIVE! 2023. The event, held recently in Orlando, Florida, brought together RFID technology experts and leaders from around the world to share knowledge and advances in the industry.

The distinction obtained by Correios is a testament to the company’s ongoing commitment to innovation and continuous improvement in its logistics operations. The successful implementation of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology in partnership with technology company Kyubi System has marked a milestone in the efficiency of parcel and shipment tracking in the postal supply chain. The innovative solution that drove this success is known as AIR! ReadTail, developed by Kyubi System, which has redefined the way shipments are handled and tracked.

RFID in Correios logistics and processing processes

The partnership between Correios and Kyubi System has enabled the installation of more than 2,000 RFID reading points in strategic locations, such as processing centers, loading terminals, international centers and distribution units throughout the country. This has facilitated automated and accurate tracking of packages and shipments, eliminating the need for time-consuming manual processes.

The use of RFID technology has led to significant improvements in Correios’ logistics and processing processes.. Benefits include increased security, greater efficiency and the ability to cost-effectively expand monitoring capacity. Eliminating the need for manual barcode scanning has streamlined workflows and reduced errors in tracking and recording shipments.

Correios Achieves Second Place in RFID Journal LIVE! Conference

The distinction obtained in the category “Best RFID/IoT Implementation in Logistics/Supply Chain” at the RFID Journal LIVE! 2023 Conference places Correios in a prominent position in the postal and logistics industry worldwide. This successful implementation has not only transformed the company’s internal operation, but has also paved the way for the widespread adoption of RFID technology in the global postal operator arena.

Kyubi System and its product AIR! ReadTail has demonstrated that technological innovation can have a significant impact on the efficiency and quality of logistics services. Kyubi System is proud of its role in this achievement and remains committed to providing advanced technological solutions that drive innovation and growth in the logistics industry.

Characteristics of RFID in Correios' logistics and processing processes

The RFID Journal LIVE! 2023 provided an invaluable forum for sharing knowledge and experiences around RFID technology. During the event, industry experts and leaders shared case studies and technical breakthroughs that highlighted the transformative potential of this disruptive technology.

Correios’ achievement at the RFID Journal LIVE! 2023 is a testament to its leadership and excellence in implementing RFID technology to optimize the supply chain and improve logistics efficiency. This milestone marks a significant step forward in the evolution of the postal and logistics industry, and demonstrates that continuous innovation can drive exceptional results in an ever-changing business environment.